The Future of B2B Marketing

What’s next in B2B marketing? What tools will leaders deploy in an ever-shifting landscape? Here are some of the latest innovations on the horizon.

Generative Conversations: The Next Content Marketing Revolution

While content is still a powerful tool for B2B decision makers, much of it today is missing the mark.

“We’ve created gaps and are not meeting the actual needs and interests of our audiences,” says Selena Cameron, Global CEO, Group SJR.

Back in 2008, SJR launched the first content marketing revolution by turning brands into publishers. Our inaugural site, GE Reports, set the gold standard.

At the end of the decade as content has exploded, we need to slow down and less is more.

AI will deliver a radical transformation with many brands hoping to improve the frequency and volume of publishing. But Cameron believes the real opportunity is bigger and it lies in the power of conversations.

“We believe conversations will be at the heart of where we see the next digital content revolution,” Cameron says.

Creating Digital Experiences With QR Codes

The next generation is putting their purchasing power into experiences, and they want more valuable digital experiences. Some 70% of customers want better experiences.

One WPP creative agency is reimagining the QR code to help brands create memorable digital experiences for customers. Their unique platform uses AI that can serve content that is personalized and occasion based. “It’s true customer-centricity,” says the company’s president.

Finding Effective Measurement Tools

Investing in brand awareness is essential for companies. Nobody buys a brand without knowing it.

But brand awareness measurement can be a challenge and can feel intangible when marketers are used to granular digital reporting. Media mix modeling is an essential measurement tool to show the importance of awareness.

The Influence of Employees in B2B

Influencers are the modern-day word of mouth marketing and business reputations are shaped by people.

They help to tap into critical elements of marketing emotion, human-centric storytelling, and expertise.

If you actually look at the B2B space, the opportunity is so big — everybody from employees, CMOs, partitioners, anybody who has the power to influence is an influencer. The best influencers in B2B are your employees.